Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Just to let everyone know... I'm currently VERY busy... Not only with my art (which has moved from 3d to hand-drawn but I am also making scrap kits now with my good friend Cin at ©Juicy Bits... You should definately head over there for the freebies!!!

Don't forget to bookmark it!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

:::I'm BACK!!!!:::

Hey y'all... I'm back! I've desperately missed psping... but in the meantime it gave me the chance to work on some new watercolors... So be looking for those in the future...

As MSN groups is closing soon... Almost everyone left has some new forum for their groups... I'm on Yuku (http://aiyariordan.u.yuku.com/) If any of you would like to post there... I'm more active there than here, so you'll have better luck catching me!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back Online!

Well as a lot of you know, I recently had some computer issues... But I am back online and going through all my email so bare with me as I go through and answer you!

